Cheyenne Little Cigars
Cheyenne Filtered Cigars contain premium quality tobacco that is cultivated in North Carolina, the heart of tobacco country. The finest quality tobacco leaves are first cured in the factory and then fermented for days, which provides a rich and robust tobacco flavor that fans adore. All of which is then followed by a unique shredding process that gives these Little Cigars an extra smoothness that fans just love.
BuyLittleCigars features a wide flavor range of Cheyenne Cigars. You can choose from traditional and fun flavors that include Menthol, Classic, Full Flavor, Extreme Menthol, Peach, Grape, Vanilla, Sweet Mint, Tropical, Cherry, Xotic Berry, and Strawberry along with their unique Sweet Tip. Get premium quality Cheyenne Cigars at terrific prices only at BuyLittleCigars. Make sure you order your favorite Little Cigars today!